The following are recommended solutions for various scenarios found in the built environment. Please feel free to clarify or provide us with your feedback via the ‘Contact Us’.
There are various basic access requirements to consider that is found in both internal and external structures as well as common public facilities like car park, drop-off and alighting areas, pathway, etc. It is therefore important that a holistic approach be put in place to ensure that all visitors irrespective of their abilities or limitations have the same or equivalent visitors’ experiences during their journey and the time spent in the built environment. Where it is not possible, alternative means must be made available to address such shortcomings to enable the same participation and experiences by all visitors.

Ramps provide an alternative means to mitigate level differences instead of just depending on step or staircase. Persons with disabilities using mobility aids would prefer levelled access into buildings as it requires lesser effort. Negotiating a ramp of a gradient of 1:12 still possess much difficulties for many wheelchair users. As such, if a ramp is needed, it should be constructed with a gradient as gradual as possible. A gradient not steeper than 1:25 is more preferred by most wheelchair users. Furthermore, there is no requirement to have handrails installed. As such, if space permits, a gentler ramp provides a more seamless access for all.

Car park lots designated as Accessible or Family Friendly Reserved Parking Lots shall have a dimension of at least 3600mm x 4800mm. These reserved parking lots shall be located near entrances and lift lobbies, sheltered information points, or pedestrian entrances which allow easy movement for those who would benefit from the close proximities e.g. drivers with disabilities, families with young children and elderly. It is preferable that such reserved lots be sheltered as it usually takes a longer time for persons with disabilities to embark or disembark

Washroom and its related facilities are one of the more important provisions in any development. At some point of one’s journey, visitors would need to use such facilities to relieve themselves. If accessible washroom provisions do not fully comply with code requirements or are not well maintained, it will greatly impact staff and visitors with disabilities to the development. In addition, washrooms could at times, offer some respite to those who need to seek temporary refuge from the crowds.

Tourist attractions and places where public events are held, be it for sports, entertainment or community events, these must be inclusive and ensure participation of all groups of users.

The use of directory maps in a development is encouraged to aid orientation and enhance wayfinding for visitors to various levels of amenities, event spaces, conference rooms, etc. Access routes should be direct and simple without having to go through too many twists and turns. Signage must be visible, intuitive and continuous and shall not be broken midway to the intended destinations. Signage provides information and critical messages to enhance the journey experience of visitors and not to confuse them. If one has to ponder, decipher signs and slowly digest such information, the sign would have failed to effectively relay the intended message. As such, signs must be simple, clear. Use pictograms with text that adhere to international or commonly used standards as it will be easily understood by all, even children and tourists as it transcends all languages.

Retail/Services often lack attention to accessibility and inclusiveness as often these are outsourced to third parties to retrofit and manage. Making such facilities inaccessible will deprive and limit persons of disabilities and elderly to enjoy, relax or share some fun time together with their family, friends or companions accompanying them during their trip. They might not even have the opportunity to order food for their family members or friend as counter or food displays are usually placed too high. In such circumstances, it makes them unnecessarily overly dependent on others as a result of poor design and service.

Tactile Indicators enable blind pedestrians to feel the textural changes under their feet or with a white cane. People with limited vision rely on lighting and the use colour contrast – between the Tactile Indicators and ground surface to visually detect the difference and use these indicators as visual guides. If correctly applied, it usually will not pose much of a hazard to other users, unless users are too occupied with their mobile or other distractions.

Building and Construction Authority
Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment 2019, Building and Construction
Universal Design Guide for Public Places 2016, Building and Construction Authority